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Tim Memories

The following memories were posted on the band web page shortly after Tim died:


Ah Tim. That boy loved smoking cigarettes. I remember band camp at Red Deer where we shared the same dorm. It was a sweet set up, four dudes to a suite, each with his own room. There was more than one day when I came home from class to find Tim already arrived (I guess they let him out early for good behavior). He would have been 15 or so at the time, and already a very adept roller of darts. Every night, with an ultra pumped smile on his face, he'd create a multi-zig zag tobacco cannon, and bathe in its sweet nicotine goodness. I don't think you'd ever hear Tim bitch about his smoking addiction, the dude loved the rollies. See ya Tim, ask Mr. Tafari to save me a puff.


Dave Thorpe

One cool thing about Tim was how he could blend so well in a variety of atmosheres. While he always had that skater/rasta look, Tim often surprised people with his ability to converse intelligently on a variety of subjects. Anyone who cared to look beyond the hair and the clothes found a guy who could have fun with all kinds of people. I remember how well Tim and my Mom got along. Of course, they had that smoking thing in common...


Iain MacDonald

As Tim's fellow band member, friend and then-fellow lover of cigarettes, I often shared a hotel room with the lad. As we both enjoyed beer and music, the two were sure to clash in our hotel rooms late at night on more than a few occasions, to the chagrin of our neighbours.


On one such night in Montreal, our very late-night pipe-djembe-snare-vocal-whistle-whatever was handy-session was interrupted by a thunderous banging on our door. I opened the door and whatever courage I possessed was at that point evaporated as I stood face to face with then-World Wrestling Federation Champeen of the World "Vader".


The fact that this behemoth was dressed only in tighty whities only magnified his bulk. He bellowed to the whole lot of us that if we didn't shut up NOW he would dislocate all arms and legs in the room. We were all stunned except for Bim, who strolled up to Vader with his distinctive bouncing gait and went nose to nose with this Goliath.


Wee Bim then calmly announced that we were musicians goddammit and if the Champ didn't turn his "fat ass around NOW" he was in for the "ass-kicking of a lifetime".


I slammed the door before this killer's shock wore off and became something more destructive, and I looked at Bim with some shock myself. Although this aggression wasn't typical of our Bim, it illustrated to the ultimate degree what he was willing to do or endure for his mates.

It's a damn shame you had to ride on ahead, Bim, but let's hope that we meet you there before a certain wrestler.


I always remember Tim having a love for the simple tings in life. I used to go to practise on Sundays, always with my Coke to make the pain from the night before disappear. Tim would walk in with his box of Sunripe Tropical Juice for the same reason. He didn't care what was going on around him, didn't care who was talking to him. As long as he had a smoke, an O.J. and a pair of sticks ... Life was good.


I remember when the band went to Maxville in '98. We were staying in Cornwall. Tim happened to be a little short on the cashola for the trip, so he was finding ways to skimp on meal costs. I was talking to him the second day we were there. Tim was like "If I have to eat Burger King one more time ..." He was overjoyed when I pointed out the Grocery store accross the street from the hotel. Later on that day, Tim was quite happy again.


He just smiled and gave me a cheers with his carton of Tropicana! He was all smiles. That's how I'll remember him.


Andy Kopciuck

Although I knew him only a short time, I had the honor of sharing a beer and a smoke with Tim at my place of work, not long before he left us. His individual charm, and personable nature made him special, and his sense of humour gave me a great chuckle. I hope you find peace in sleep Tim.


Greg Burton

On behalf of myself and my son, Kayle McLennan, a drummer with the Edmonton Boys Pipe Band, we wish to express our deepest thoughts of Sympathy to Tim's family and friends of with City of Regina Pipe Band. my son, Kayle, had spoken with Tim on various occasions at the Highland Games in Alberta and Maxville. We are saddened to hear of the loss of Tim.
With our sympathy,


Gloria and Kayle McLennan and
the Parent's Association of the Edmonton Boys Pipe Band.

I have a picture with Tim and his crew (Dave Thorpe & Co.) in the backround of the Ceileigh at Red Deer camp.
We were intimidated by that bunch, just a little, we knew that they were cool dudes, I just thought it was cool that somebody "cool" liked the same music I did.

They're all good, we're all connected in some way in the idiom and I send my condolences.
I'm glad to hear that you went back home Tim, put in a good word for me to the big Kahuna! Peace.

Troy Maurice